Helicopter Training Device HTD


Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.


Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.

How to Buy a Simulator

Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.

Case Studies

Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.

Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.

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Type of Aircraft

Frasca designs and manufactures simulated aircraft instruments and control panels. Instruments include both mechanical and electronic displays. When appropriate, designs can include electronic interfaces and firmware to enable interfaces to a wide range of protocols.

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